InGoogle Developer ExpertsbyNitin TiwariVirtual Try-On with Imagen 3IntroductionDec 20, 20245Dec 20, 20245
InGoogle Cloud - CommunitybySascha HeyerBuilding a AI Podcast Generator Inspired by Google’s NotebookLM and IlluminateGoogle introduced two innovative products, NotebookLM and Illuminate. That has garnered significant attention on platforms like LinkedIn.Sep 16, 20246Sep 16, 20246
InGoogle Cloud - CommunitybyAniket AgrawalChapterize YouTube Videos with Gemini-1.5-Flash“GenAI as the director’s cut for your YouTube videos, adds those much-needed scene breaks so your viewers don’t get lost in the plot.”Sep 18, 2024Sep 18, 2024
Zabir Al Nazi NabilDeploying Llama 2 in Vertex AI from Model Garden: A Step-by-Step GuideIntroduction: Google’s Vertex AI, in collaboration with Model Garden, provides a convenient platform for deploying machine learning models…Oct 31, 2023Oct 31, 2023
Alexander RodriguezSave on GCP Log Storage Costs with Dataflow CompressionIn today’s world, managing large volumes of logs can get expensive fast. As logs accumulate, especially for large organizations, storage…Nov 18, 2024Nov 18, 2024
InTDS ArchivebyLak LakshmananHow to do text similarity search and document clustering in BigQueryUse Document embeddings in BigQuery for document similarity and clustering tasksAug 22, 20201Aug 22, 20201
Neil KolbanCloud Composer launching Dataflow pipelinesGoogle Cloud Platform has a product to provide managed Apache Airflow. That product is called Cloud Composer. In addition, GCP has a…Jan 18, 20213Jan 18, 20213
InGoogle Cloud - CommunitybyNeil KolbanBigQuery External Tables with JSON dataI recently had a BigQuery puzzle involving JSON data files and being able to query their content where the field names of the JSON objects…Sep 24, 2024Sep 24, 2024
InGoogle Cloud - Communitybyjana_om☁️GCP Data Engineering Project: Data Pipeline with Cloud Run Functions, Airflow and BigQuery ML 🚢This project will demonstrate how to build a data pipeline on Google Cloud using an event-driven architecture, leveraging services like…Aug 25, 2024Aug 25, 2024
InGoogle Cloud - CommunitybyOlejniczak LukaszFrom GenAI Demo to Production Scale — Handling high-throughput use cases.Moving Generative AI (GenAI) demonstrations to production-level systems can be difficult, but recognizing usage patterns early on can…Jul 12, 2024Jul 12, 2024
InGoogle Cloud - CommunitybyNeil KolbanProcessing arriving GCS files with PubSub triggersThe article describes experiments in processing Google Cloud Storage (GCS) files through BEAM where the content is to be inserted into…Aug 12, 20241Aug 12, 20241
InZencore EngineeringbyEunice BelloConnecting AWS and GCP workloads with Workload Identity Federation (part 1/2)The world has gone multi-cloud and since the ultimate goal is to get the best out of the different cloud providers, it has become a common…Nov 2, 2023Nov 2, 2023
InZencore EngineeringbyGpetruccelliGitHub Actions owned runners on AWS/Azure + Workload Identity Federation on GCPGitHub Actions has gained widespread popularity as a go-to choice for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platforms…Jan 17, 2024Jan 17, 2024
InGoogle Cloud for Startupsbykristin kimUnleash the Power of Google AI at Your Fingertips10 one-click AI Demos on Google CloudNov 23, 2023Nov 23, 2023
Zack Akil🎥 🙈 Using AI to automate phobia safe film productionAt Google I/O this year I used ML to build an automated video processing pipeline that detects what’s in a video and automatically hides…Jul 27, 2021Jul 27, 2021
Davor HafnarHow to instantly recover a table in Google BigQueryIf you need to Ctrl-Z (undo) after something went wrong, here are a couple of ways to get your data back.Oct 19, 20198Oct 19, 20198
Davor HafnarBuilding a Serverless RAG System with BigQuery and GeminiA guide to building a tool to ‘ask questions’ to your BigQuery data, with code, including a simple frontend.May 19, 20241May 19, 20241
InData Engineer’s NotesbyConstantin LunguBigQuery Primary Key & Foreign Key constraintsRecently, BigQuery introduced Primary Key and Foreign Key constraints. However, they differ from what we’re accustomed to in traditional…Sep 16, 20234Sep 16, 20234
David ZhuThe Arts of GCP Folder StructureMost people started to experiment with the Google Cloud Platform (GCP)with the free trial or through a shadow IT. It was really an…Jun 3, 2020Jun 3, 2020
InAstrafybyAlejandro De La Cruz LópezDataform and Terraform: Automate SQL pipelines in productionAutomate the orchestration of SQL pipelines in Google Cloud Platform using Dataform, Terraform, and Workflows.Apr 26, 2024Apr 26, 2024